Partially reskinned pet card and ability card to better fit ElvUI but still retain original style. Fix for lua error (line 462) when used alongside Rematch 4.3.4. Journal background made more "Transparent". This version supports both the WoD(live) and Legion(beta) clients. Support for new "titlebar" buttons (Close, Minimize/Maximize, Lock, etc) in Rematch 4.4.4 Fix for need to hit an extra ESC on login (menus created to reskin were not hidden). Attempted fix for error with Rematch 4.7.3. Changed previous fix to more immediately skin Rematch upon initialization. Updated for Rematch 4.8 and Battle for Azeroth client Note: the major lists (pets, queue, teams, options) are not skinned more work will need to happen for those Lists are skinned more than they were before (line 492 attempt to index field 'Texture' (a nil value)) Fix for SetPoint error with team panel in 8.2 client. If you have any questions, comments or bugs to report please leave a comment here. If features get added to Rematch that don't get skinned please remind me! So overall it may not fit perfectly with the rest of the ElvUI but it should be closer than without. It's necessary that the background of Rematch in the journal remain opaque.

Install this addon and if current versions of both Rematch and ElvUI are enabled, Rematch will be skinned to blend in better with ElvUI.